Florida 4 Palin

Friday, July 1, 2011

The Undefeated - My Thoughts

As I was driving home from Orlando on the Ronald Reagan Turnpike, I thought to myself how appropriate to be driving home on a stretch of interstate named after my political hero, President Reagan.  I was on my way home after watching the documentary The Undefeated a movie about someone I equally admire, Former Governor Sarah Palin.  After watching the leaders screening (which is not the final version that will be released on the 15th), I am even more convinced Governor Palin is “called” for such a time as 2012.  The movie opened with a volley of insults and obscenities from the Hollywood and Democrat leftist that is beyond shameful then, the screen went black and they showed a verse from Matthew “by their fruits ye shall know them.  A truer statement could not have been uttered.  I ask myself as I have over the last two and half years, if Governor Palin was so irrelevant why does the left and Republican establishment hate her so much.  I was reminded why, she like Ronald Reagan was a threat to the status quo.  Seeing what made her so popular in AK is exactly what the leftist and entrenched Republican elitist fear.  She is not beholden to the establishment (Republican nor Big Oil) as you will see from her record in AK when you watch The Undefeated.

Watching conservative commentators such as Mark Levin, Tammy Bruce, Andrew Breitbart and conservative activists like Kate Obenshain and Sonnie Johnson share why they admire Governor Palin, was yet another confirmation for me.  Levin who was in the Reagan administration knows firsthand what the Reagan Revolution was, compares Governor Palin to Reagan several times.  Sonnie Johnson shared conversations she had with her daughter when she first saw Governor Palin and how she told her that yes women could be President too.  There are also several clips from speeches made by Governor Palin over the last couple of years that were great reminders to me as well.  Clips from her introduction to the national stage in OH, her speech at the Republican Convention and several Tea Party speeches including the one from WI where she fired up many across this nation with statements like "We're Here, We're Clear, Get Used To It!" a reminder to the Republican establishment (and the left) that this movement will not sit down and shut up.  Watch that entire speech at: http://youtu.be/MRoTx18TdbU. 

Visit http://victoryfilmgroup.com/theundefeatedmovie/ for more on the movie and to vote to bring it to your area.

I say to the status quo crowd… Be Afraid, Be Very Afraid, because we can see 2012 from Florida and all other states.    Join the grass roots effort at Organize 4 Palin as we will be the boots on the ground when Governor Palin makes her decision.  At the end of the film I got a chance to speak to another Organize 4 Palin volunteer Imogene White who was equally fired up and agreed we’ll be ready and willing when Governor Palin makes her decision.

Randy Highsmith
Organize 4 Palin State Coordinator

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